Despite of the weather conditions — a non-stop rain kept moistening our clothes from landing to departing the French Riviera — a frenetic content market such at MIP TV is an incomparable experience and an amazing starting point for a little bit of blockchainment awareness.
What an incredible week! Starting with the panel we’ve been invited to, we discussed how Blockchain would disrupt a multi-billion market. There is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding on what blockchain can do — and what blockchain cannot do — but we felt that it was an outstanding starting point for having a conversation with the industry. Then, in the market, we had meetings with the biggest players in the media ecosystem, such as BBC, Aardman studios, TV Azteca, Caracol, HBO… and the list is quite long. From two of the most prolific short content producers in the world, we have committed more than 10,000 hours of content in 15 languages for our platform’s release in June. Most of this content has never been published on YouTube or any online platform.
We are starting with short form content for two reasons: it is easier to distribute — as it takes less storage space and bandwidth than long form content — and it is easier to monetize on advertising. Yes, there is a lot of curiosity from the biggest studios and they will collaborate in the next stages of the platform, but right now we are focusing on testing the technology and the incentive based social network ecosystem we are developing.
Back to Cannes, we are also happy to announce that Flixxo will be back — this time with the platform already running — in October for MIPCOM, an event that doubles MIPTV on assistance, and we will be part of the Blockchainment pavilion, a space dedicated to blockchain startups that will disrupt the entertainment industry. The tour will continue on Marseilles for the International Festival of Digital Series and will end at Bilbao, in Seriesland.
Furthermore, we are traveling back to LA next week, where our Hollywood all-stars collaborators have arranged the most amazing meetings with some of the most popular YouTubers around. We know we will bring amazing news!
What a wild momentum for Flixxo, blockchainment awareness is raising on the media industry and we love to be pushing it forward!