Flixxo to be released during the COVID-19 crisis

2 min readMar 19, 2020

Given the current situation with the COVID-19, we had two paths to take: either we postponed the release of our platform scheduled to June 2020, or we rushed the development and released the platform as soon as possible, offering a free video platform to the community in times of quarantine and lockdown around the world.

While most of the global VOD platforms and festivals are offering free content during the Coronavirus pandemic, we have decided to take the latter path and contribute our little grain of sand to the community.

Our team is (home)working harder than ever. We won’t stop. We are motivated! We will deliver our platform and release hundreds of hours of content in the upcoming weeks.

We are grateful to those who tested the -buggy- previous versions of Flixxo and shared their thoughts on the platform, and we are as impatient as you are regarding the long awaited release of our hot content, like the new season of the cult cartoon Alejo & Valentina.

We’ve already accomplished a lot, the apps are finnaly published both in the Apple App Store -after a long battle- and Android Play Store. The decentralized distribution network, built on top of BitTorrent+Blockchain, has been running for almost two years now and we have proved it can save a substantial amount of energy compared with the incumbent centralized networks. But there is infinite work ahead of us, not only for the premiere of the platform, but also after the release. We assure you’ll be able to enjoy all our content for free, and we will continue developing to improve the Flixxo experience, working on new features, improving the network and adding content every month.

The wait is about to end. Stay tuned!

Adrian Garelik




Watch, share. Earn! Mixing Bittorrent+Blockchain to develop a social economy based on video sharing. Follow the conversation on Telegram t.me/flixxo